Genesis Chapter 4
10Then He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground! 11Therefore you are cursed more than the ground, which opened wide its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. 12When you work the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. You shall become a vagrant and a wanderer on earth.”
Let me slow down for a moment and give due to each of these sentences:
He said “What have you done?”
I am assuming that questions like ‘what have you done?’ are rhetorical; God obviously knows what has happened and need not ask the question. God is asking the question perhaps to test Cain’s honesty. But He does not wait for the response, so we have to assume that God talks this way for effect. In effect, He is saying “look what you have done!” This is more an expression of rage rather than a query.
The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground!
Here again, I am assuming that it is not implied that blood actually has a voice and that blood is crying. This phrase, in fact, has been interpreted in various ways. Orthadox rabbis state that by ‘blood’, what is in fact meant is the ‘soul’. They state that it was the soul of Abel that is protesting. Further evidence for this interpretation comes from the Torah’s assertion that the soul is contained in its blood. The Torah cautions against eating blood in several places and mentions that the reason for this is that the soul resides in blood (see for example, Leviticus 17:10 “Any man of the House of Israel or of the Proselyte who dwells among them who will consume any blood…I will cut it off from the midst of its people.11For the soul of the flesh is in the blood…”)
Now we have apparently come to a monumental finding: the soul of man is to be found in his blood. Well, then, at long last, based on this passage, we can begin to guide the multitude of scientists and truth seekers who have looked for a sign of the soul in the proper direction. We can tell them that the long sought soul resides in the blood of a man. Surely if we were to replace the blood of a person with someone else’s, then the soul of the blood donor would invade the recipient, no? Here, once and for all, the religious among us can wait for the results of such an experiment with baited breath for at last the existence of a soul would be well established. Alas, though, this is not the case. In fact, blood is routinely donated. Victims of trauma, for example, who have lost large quantities of blood are typically given blood. No ‘soul’ exchanges have been noted to date! Either the soul does not reside in blood, or it finds a place to hide when the body loses blood!
What then, does “the blood cries out from the ground” mean? Once again, the burden of explanation falls on the believing orthodox who take the words of the Torah to be wholly true and without fault.
11Therefore you are cursed more than the ground, which opened wide its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. 12When you work the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. You shall become a vagrant and a wanderer on earth.”
Previously, I argued that Cain aught not have been punished, as he apparently did not have the knowledge of the Ten Commandments, and thus did not know that murder was a sin. But, alright, for one reason or another, Hashem has decided that Cain should nevertheless be punished for what he has done. Hashem is sore with Cain for having killed his brother and he chooses to curse. He tells Cain that the earth will no longer bear fruit for him, so there is no point to his becoming a farmer. He, Cain, is sentenced to wander the earth.
But are we not told that the punishment for taking life is forfeiting one’s life? We will later come to Genesis 9:6, saying “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed”. How is it that genesis 9:6 seems to clearly demand the shedding of the murderer’s blood and yet God has chosen to make a vagrant out of a murder in this case?
If we are to learn morality from the Torah, which of these lessons are we to take? Who decides which lesson is the correct one?
13Then he said to Hashem, “Is my iniquity too great to be borne? 14Behold, you have banished me this day from the face of the earth – can I be hidden from your presence? I must become a vagrant and wanderer on earth; whoever meets me will kill me!”
Recall that Adam and Eve had borne two children, Cain and Able. We have come to learn that the former has killed the latter. Thus, there are now 3 people left on ‘the face of the earth’. What then does ‘whoever meets me will kill me’ mean? Is Cain afraid that his parents will come upon him and murder him? Or is he thinking way ahead of the possibility that his parents will bare more children who will then grow up and come to kill him? Do you, dear reader, see that the author of this section of the Torah has apparently slipped and forgotten that there are no other people on earth at the time of Cain? I am sure that the Torah apologists will simply assert that Cain was fearful of his future prospects. I will leave it to the reader to decide the veracity of such assertions.
15Hashem said to him, “Therefore, whoever slays Cain, before seven generations have passed he will be punished.”
Here is another peculiar moral code. If Cain’s blood is shed, then God will punish the killer within 140 year (seven generations)! It is weird justice indeed to meet punishment on a murderer no later than 140 years! I guess even back in those days the appeals processes must have been exhausting!
And Hashem placed a mark upon Cain, so that none that meet him might kill him.
I am not certain what that mark was, but it must have been some version of ‘DO NOT KILL THIS PIECE OF SHIT”!
16Cain left the presence of Hashem and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
So we have just heard that God’s punishment for Cain having murdered his brother was to banish him from farming, and making him a ‘vagrant and a wanderer’. Thus Cain comes to Nod and promptly ‘settles’ there! So much for the punishment of God!
It is interesting how God meets Justice. He tells Eve ‘on the day that you eat of it’, meaning the forbidden fruit, ‘you shall surely die’. Yet she surely does not die on that day. Then he tells Cain that if someone were to murder him, God would exact revenge within 140 years! Finally, he tells Cain that he is to be a wanderer so he immediately leaves the presence of God and settles somewhere else. My hat’s off to the reader who has managed to retain even a remnant of credulity!
Let me slow down for a moment and give due to each of these sentences:
He said “What have you done?”
I am assuming that questions like ‘what have you done?’ are rhetorical; God obviously knows what has happened and need not ask the question. God is asking the question perhaps to test Cain’s honesty. But He does not wait for the response, so we have to assume that God talks this way for effect. In effect, He is saying “look what you have done!” This is more an expression of rage rather than a query.
The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground!
Here again, I am assuming that it is not implied that blood actually has a voice and that blood is crying. This phrase, in fact, has been interpreted in various ways. Orthadox rabbis state that by ‘blood’, what is in fact meant is the ‘soul’. They state that it was the soul of Abel that is protesting. Further evidence for this interpretation comes from the Torah’s assertion that the soul is contained in its blood. The Torah cautions against eating blood in several places and mentions that the reason for this is that the soul resides in blood (see for example, Leviticus 17:10 “Any man of the House of Israel or of the Proselyte who dwells among them who will consume any blood…I will cut it off from the midst of its people.11For the soul of the flesh is in the blood…”)
Now we have apparently come to a monumental finding: the soul of man is to be found in his blood. Well, then, at long last, based on this passage, we can begin to guide the multitude of scientists and truth seekers who have looked for a sign of the soul in the proper direction. We can tell them that the long sought soul resides in the blood of a man. Surely if we were to replace the blood of a person with someone else’s, then the soul of the blood donor would invade the recipient, no? Here, once and for all, the religious among us can wait for the results of such an experiment with baited breath for at last the existence of a soul would be well established. Alas, though, this is not the case. In fact, blood is routinely donated. Victims of trauma, for example, who have lost large quantities of blood are typically given blood. No ‘soul’ exchanges have been noted to date! Either the soul does not reside in blood, or it finds a place to hide when the body loses blood!
What then, does “the blood cries out from the ground” mean? Once again, the burden of explanation falls on the believing orthodox who take the words of the Torah to be wholly true and without fault.
11Therefore you are cursed more than the ground, which opened wide its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. 12When you work the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. You shall become a vagrant and a wanderer on earth.”
Previously, I argued that Cain aught not have been punished, as he apparently did not have the knowledge of the Ten Commandments, and thus did not know that murder was a sin. But, alright, for one reason or another, Hashem has decided that Cain should nevertheless be punished for what he has done. Hashem is sore with Cain for having killed his brother and he chooses to curse. He tells Cain that the earth will no longer bear fruit for him, so there is no point to his becoming a farmer. He, Cain, is sentenced to wander the earth.
But are we not told that the punishment for taking life is forfeiting one’s life? We will later come to Genesis 9:6, saying “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed”. How is it that genesis 9:6 seems to clearly demand the shedding of the murderer’s blood and yet God has chosen to make a vagrant out of a murder in this case?
If we are to learn morality from the Torah, which of these lessons are we to take? Who decides which lesson is the correct one?
13Then he said to Hashem, “Is my iniquity too great to be borne? 14Behold, you have banished me this day from the face of the earth – can I be hidden from your presence? I must become a vagrant and wanderer on earth; whoever meets me will kill me!”
Recall that Adam and Eve had borne two children, Cain and Able. We have come to learn that the former has killed the latter. Thus, there are now 3 people left on ‘the face of the earth’. What then does ‘whoever meets me will kill me’ mean? Is Cain afraid that his parents will come upon him and murder him? Or is he thinking way ahead of the possibility that his parents will bare more children who will then grow up and come to kill him? Do you, dear reader, see that the author of this section of the Torah has apparently slipped and forgotten that there are no other people on earth at the time of Cain? I am sure that the Torah apologists will simply assert that Cain was fearful of his future prospects. I will leave it to the reader to decide the veracity of such assertions.
15Hashem said to him, “Therefore, whoever slays Cain, before seven generations have passed he will be punished.”
Here is another peculiar moral code. If Cain’s blood is shed, then God will punish the killer within 140 year (seven generations)! It is weird justice indeed to meet punishment on a murderer no later than 140 years! I guess even back in those days the appeals processes must have been exhausting!
And Hashem placed a mark upon Cain, so that none that meet him might kill him.
I am not certain what that mark was, but it must have been some version of ‘DO NOT KILL THIS PIECE OF SHIT”!
16Cain left the presence of Hashem and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
So we have just heard that God’s punishment for Cain having murdered his brother was to banish him from farming, and making him a ‘vagrant and a wanderer’. Thus Cain comes to Nod and promptly ‘settles’ there! So much for the punishment of God!
It is interesting how God meets Justice. He tells Eve ‘on the day that you eat of it’, meaning the forbidden fruit, ‘you shall surely die’. Yet she surely does not die on that day. Then he tells Cain that if someone were to murder him, God would exact revenge within 140 years! Finally, he tells Cain that he is to be a wanderer so he immediately leaves the presence of God and settles somewhere else. My hat’s off to the reader who has managed to retain even a remnant of credulity!
OK, one point at a time:
Just as you don't have to take God's question of "what have you done?" at literal face value, I don't think you have to take the soul/blood connection at literal face value either.
The idea being expressed is that blood (like one's soul) is essential for life.
Or else, if you wish, you can posit that the soul "resides" in the blood, but nonetheless remains with the body even if the blood is separated from it via donation, trauma, etc.
Cain's punishment:
I'm going to assume that you would agree with me that God, unlike man, knows the circumstances surrounding each crime. If a person commits a sin, God can forgive if a person does teshuva. On the other hand, when dealing with a human court of law, we cannot rely on teshuva to absolve a person of guilt because, unlike God, we can't ascertain the depth and sincerity of the person's repentence.
That being said, perhaps in Cain's case the reason he wasn't punished with death (as prescribed later on in Genesis) can be attributed to any of the following:
1. Cain knew that attacking his brother was wrong but that did not realize that he could murder him or that his attack would cause his death. As such, he wasn't a premediated murder, but an "accidental" murderer.
2. Perhaps Cain did repent (at least partially) from his sin and therefore his death penalty was commuted to exile.
3. Perhaps Cain knew that murder was wrong, but the death penalty for murder had not yet been communicated to Adam and family. As such, perhaps God felt that the death penalty would be unfair in such a case.
I'm sure there are other possibilities as well.
Cain and Other people:
Genesis 5 makes it clear that Adam and Eve had other children aside from the three named sons. In addition, there is no date for the Cain/Abel story. It could have happened shortly after Creation or perhaps much later after there were other people.
The fact that the Cain/Abel story is told first does not mean that it had to happen first. There are many cases where the Bible tells stories out of chronological order in order to finish up one subject before going on to another. An example of this can be found in Genesis 36 and 37. Genesis 36 deals with Esau's geneaology and finsihes with a list of Edomite kings. Genesis 37 deals with the sale of Joseph. Does this mean that all eight of the kings listed in chapter 36 lived and died before Joseph's sale? No, of course not. Rather, the Torah was finishing up the subject of Esau before moving the focus to Jacob and Joseph. Likewise, here, the Torah is finishing the stories involving people who did not figure in the future world before focusing on Seth and his descendants in Chapter 5.
If you're going to agree that Adam lived 930 years, then it should also be obvious that a generation is not 20 years.
In any event, within the context of the story itself, Adam saw seven generations of his descendants.
The word "NOd" in Hebrew means to wander. Don't read it so literally. Imagine if I told you that someone lived in a place called "Wandersville." You could take the impression that he doesn't really live there, but wanders from place to place.
The Wolf
Thanks for your thoughtful comments as usual. Let me reply to your comments:
Regarding blood/soul, you accuse me of taking the ‘blood/soul’ connection literally. Judaism does indeed take this very literally. As you know, in Judaism, we are required to remove all the blood in an animal before we can eat the flesh of the animal. This is directly as a result of the belief that the blood is the commune of the soul. This idea is enumerated many times in the Torah, and more in the Talmud. Correct me if I am wrong.
You write that “the idea being expressed is that blood (like one's soul) is essential for life.” Of course blood is essential for life. So is the pancreas. So is the stomach, or the lymph system. Why has the Torah singled the blood out here and elsewhere in saying that the essence, i.e., the soul, resides in the blood?
Regarding Cain and why his murder was not appropriately punished, you provide the following excuses (forgive me for using this word, but it is exactly apt):
”1. Cain knew that attacking his brother was wrong but that did not realize that he could murder him or that his attack would cause his death. As such, he wasn't a premeditated murder, but an "accidental" murderer.”
Of course the Torah could have said this and stated that the Cain meant to harm but not to murder Able. Here, the rule of accidental deaths would apply. However, you must agree that no such thing is mentioned in the Torah. Nowhere is it said that Abel’s death was accidental. To ascribe Abel’s murder as accidental is to invent things that are not in the Torah.
”2. Perhaps Cain did repent (at least partially) from his sin and therefore his death penalty was commuted to exile.”
Indeed, perhaps he did, but again, this is not mentioned in the Torah. You can speculate all day long, but at the end of the day, none of it mentioned in the Torah. You can not enter speculation into evidence. You must present look at the book as it is written.
”3. Perhaps Cain knew that murder was wrong, but the death penalty for murder had not yet been communicated to Adam and family. As such, perhaps God felt that the death penalty would be unfair in such a case.”
In the previous blog, I made the exact same point, namely that the death penalty for murder must necessarily have been unknown to Cain. Thus punishing Cain for his act would be counter to all the laws of justice that we know of. But note that just as ‘the death penalty would be unfair’ in the case of a person who did not know that a crime is being committed, any penalty at all would be unfair. If I did not know that parking on a given street was illegal since there were no posted or stated signs, then the appropriate thing for a judge to do is not to reduce my penalty, but to find me “not guilty”. If the excuse is that God never communicated that murder is a crime, then murder is not yet a crime! A reduced sentence is as non-sensical as a full sentence. Do you see the logic?
Cain and Other people:
As the Torah is written, there is the impression that Cain and Able were the soul 2 sons of Adam and Eve. Later, the latter give birth to Seth, and presumably others as well. It is indeed possible, though yet again one must render a tortured reading of the Torah, to assume that at the time of Cain and Able there were many more births such that the earth was populated with Cain’s brethren, ready to pounce on him. If you wish to read it that way, ok, but note that yet again we have to resort to mental gymnastics to save a passage of the Torah.
Generations: A ‘generation’, by definition, is a period of 20 years. You can live 30 years or 300 years, but the time period of ‘a generation’ does not change. If I live to be 80, I will have lived through 4 generations. If I had died at 10 years of age, then I would not have even lived a generation. The term is used in the sense that on average it takes 20 years to create a new generation. What is the point anyway?
Regarding “Nod”, you write; “The word "Nod" in Hebrew means to wander. Don't read it so literally. Imagine if I told you that someone lived in a place called "Wandersville." You could take the impression that he doesn't really live there, but wanders from place to place.”
You say that I should not read “Nod” literally; that this is a term rather than a place. Ok, but I am having trouble deciphering when to read something literally and when to take poetic license. When the decedents of Noah are mentions, and when each of his ‘sons’ resemble nations, it appears as if the Torah is talking about roots of nations, not actual sons. When I point this out to Rabbis, they frown and tell me that we must read this exactly as it appears in the good book. So which is it, and when is it what it is?
To ascribe Abel’s murder as accidental is to invent things that are not in the Torah.
You seem to be defining "Torah" as limited to the 5 Books of Moses. Surely you are aware of the concept of Oral Torah, which includes midrashim, some of which are inventions and some of which do not appear to be inventions. Are you ignoring the interpretations of Midrash because you consider it all invented, or for some other reason?
Indeed, I am considering the 'Torah' to be the 5 books of Moses. I am aware that many authorities lump a whole lot of writings into the term "Torah". The Naviim, Kettubim, oral Torah, Midrash, Kabbalah, Zohar, the Ari, etc. etc., are all, from time to time, are given the status of the ‘torah’.
Frankly, I am not certain whether there is consensus as to what exactly are the borders of the Torah. Could you please enlighten me on that?
"If the gas chamber door slams shut on you, don’t come crying to me."
- Jewish Philosopher
I think I laughed until I cried. Or cried until I laughed. Either way it's the most insane thing I've read in a long, long time. Nice to see you engaged him in the good fight - I just didn't have the stomache for a Holocaust argument.
Frankly, after JP's idiotic comment, I realized that I was dealing with someone not fully in possession of his faculties. I realized I was wasting my time with him.
Unfortunately, despite the orthodox Jewish community having greater than 2 million members, despite numerous more devout Christians and Muslims, I find a dearth of intellectual believers to converse with. There are 2 exceptions, one of whom, Wolf, regularly comments on this blog. I find his comments cerebral and his points weighty. Rabbi Maroof is another smart believer with whom I enjoy debating. Outside of these guys, alas, there are not any serious intellects on the God side. JP, as someone mentioned, is a 'walking straw man'.
In any case, I enjoy your comments, albeit they seem to be wasted on an intellectual lightweight in JP.
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